Anthropology Day Photo Contest

Festival Oyster Grillers, New Orleans, June 1, 2019, photo by David Beriss

If you have food anthropology related photos that you want to be famous, SAFN wants to hear from you! We have decided to hold a food anthropology photography competition for Anthropology Day (2/18) this year. Our goal is to collect and recognize some of the best pictures that illustrate what anthropology can show about people, food, and the world, by publishing them on here.

This is meant to be both a fun and creative opportunity for SAFN members to show off their skills. We will select at least 3 winners (who knows, maybe there will just be a slew of great submissions, in which case we reserve the right to select more winners) and put their pictures up on the blog. We are looking for pictures that somehow connect with the idea of the anthropology of food and nutrition. Of course, that is very broad. We will favor photos that help us see the work and lives of humans related to food.

Our inspiration for this comes in part from a non-anthropological source. For the last few football seasons, after every Saints football game, Ian McNulty, a food writer for The Times Picayune/New Orleans Advocate, has taken a photo of a plate of red beans and rice along with the newspaper’s sports section headline from the game and posted it on social media. Each week the food comes from a different, often relatively unknown, restaurant. The whole series makes for a wonderful exercise in thinking about food and culture. You can see his summary of this experiment, culminating in the Saints’ tragic loss in the playoffs this year, here:…. Whether your photos (or a series of photos) illustrate something light-hearted, like these, or something more serious, we want to see them.

Keep in mind that the only award is having your photos posted on this site. You must be a member of SAFN to be eligible to win this contest (membership is cheap–free for students–right now, so join us!). All photos must be original work and you must have rights to use the photo. We will accept individual photos or a group as an entry (please indicate if you mean for the group to be a series that goes together). Using the photos must not infringe on any other person or organization’s trademark, copyright, moral or intellectual rights, or privacy. You must submit a caption with the photo, indicating the subject, authorship, date, and any other relevant information for the blog. The deadline for submission is February 18, 2021. Photos will be judged by a group of SAFN board members. The winners will be posted to the blog shortly after Anthropology Day. Send your photos to with the subject line “anthro day photos.” (It is essential you do that so that your emails get properly sorted.)

We look forward to seeing many fantastic pictures!

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